Wheels of Time
In the mood for some solo piano? Holly Mead did a great job helping me nail down this arrangement (and that’s her playing, too!)
Bird Don’t Fly
Some new synthy fun. Enjoy!
Gender stereotypes that still exist in parenting
While stereotypical gendered parenting might seem to be the result of religious beliefs or cultural norms, even progressive-minded parents can sometimes be guilty of it. But here’s what I think is funny: it’s fairly obvious that we, as a culture, need to do better to achieve gender equality: In theory, it seems that we should […]
Abolish tipping
A new study from the University of Notre Dame found that more than 2/3 of restaurant employees have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the past six months. This in itself is rather appalling, but the study’s additional findings will probably stand out to you just as much. The researchers found that it’s two […]
How can we raise more respectful boys?
Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is how to create a nicer society of people. Cultural change is never easy, but it’s important we rise to the challenge. In this essay, I want to focus on men and masculinity. There are many facets to this, but I think two of the biggest components […]